Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Weighing-in photos

The weigh-in

A First!

The puppies first meal of dry kibble, they seem to like it. Lets see how it goes!

Bella From Oxford

Had a cuddle and time on our own for Bella who will be going to Oxford. She is so sweet and gentle, might just keep her and say nothing!


Cali pleads to go in, so she goes in for 3 minutes twice a day, tomorrow we will knock it down to 2 minutes. What a mother, I am so proud of her and when we are all together in the puppy run, Cali plays with them and does stuff I can't do, like take a whole puppy's head in my mouth and growl at the same time and I don't have a tail! I have loved every heartbeat Iv'e had with them. I sleep more than the puppies!

Pre lunch

You would think they have never been fed! The noise was incredible. You can set your clock by them!

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Loo rolls

Remember this, the top image is all that we have left!

Monday, 29 July 2013


Dear Dr,

I use one of these every night before bed. Need I be worried?

Random Play

Cali had a lot of fun with the puppies today. Why is the camera always somewhere else when you need it!

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Decoding chart

Play time


My view as I type. Not very often can you do this. It will all be over in two weeks!

Oh well!

The dog food comes in really strong boxes with no staples, so they make great "shelters". They have all ignored it!

Saturday, 27 July 2013

The weigh-in

Chips and names

Ana came today to chip the puppies. Although it looks painful, the puppies all came through it without any problems. Now that they are chipped, they all have their pedigree names. 

Ted is Amistadleal Calderón 
( Calderón was a famous Spanish playwright)

Bella is Amistadleal Corazón
( Literally meaning heart but also used to mean 'darling')

Mason is Amistadleal Duque de Cadiz
( Duke of Cadiz)

Mae is Amistadleal Celestina
( Celestina was a character in a medieval Spanish play of the same name)

Willow is Amistadleal Carmencita
( Little Carmen)

Finley is Amistadleal El Cid
( El Cid was a medieval Spanish hero - you may have seen the film!)

Bella is Amistadleal Cenicientas
( Cenicientas is the Spanish way of saying Cinderella)

Jasper is Amistadleal El Cordobés
( El Cordobés was a famous Spanish bull fighter)

Penny is Amistadleal Cielito
( The Spanish word for heaven is cielo, which is also used with the meaning of 'darling' As the name cielo was not available, we added a diminuitive, so Cielito means 'little heaven' or 'little darling')

Friday, 26 July 2013

New pal's

Finley and Bella Burwell get to meet Charles just in from Mexico>